Bach Flower Remedies
How do flowers make you feel? How do emotions effect our health? Today on the Integrated Pharmacist Podcast, we're talking about a very specific therapy derived from flowers. Bach Flower Remedies were created in the 1930s by an English scientist named Edward Bach. This flower therapy is based on two beliefs: the homeopathic idea that dilution makes the treatment stronger; and the metaphysical idea that thoughts and feelings can manifest as physical problems. Bach believed the essence of flowers was released by the rays of the sun in natural spring water. Preparations of Bach Flower Remedies involve either collecting dew off of flowers, infusing water with flower essence while exposed to 3 hours of sunlight, or potentially by boiling for a short time in spring water. Brandy is then added to enhance the medicinal effects of the infusion. Each of these preparations are designed to infuse the spring water with the energy of the flower invo...